domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012

"Emotions in Silence" in Crónicas, La 2, RTVE

Dear friends,
The program “Crónicas” in the channel, “La 2”, in the Spanish National Television (RTVE), which focuses its attention on exemplary experiences and on social issues, has recognized our project “Art and Culture as Therapy against Alzheimer” for its original and humanistic approach of living with the Alzheimers disease.  Additionally, the program’s directors acknowledge our project’s success in working with emotional memory and evoking memories through the realm of the arts.  
The name of the program is: “El naufragio del a memoria” (“The shipwreck of memory”). Below the link to Crónicas’ webpage is attached:

And, the direct link to the program is:

El naufragio de la memoria

Opening release: Thursday 27th of September at 23:00 p.m. in La 2. 

Re- emissions in channel 24 hours (Canal 24 horas):
Saturday 29th of September at 20:30 - 58847 
Sunday 30th of September at 22:30
Wednesday 3rd of October at 24:00

In channel 1: Thursday 4th of October at 1 a.m.

International Channel:
EUROPE – Sunday 30th September at 22:55
AMERICA 1 – (South America and West Coast North and Central America) – Monday 1st October at 3:15 a.m.
AMERICA 2 – (East Coast North and Central America) – Monday 1st October at 5: 15 a.m. 
ASIA – Sunday 30th September at 13:50

P.S. International Channel indicates the time in Spain. Therefore, the time difference has to be added depending on the country.
P.S. 2. If the signal is through a satellite, the emission reaches all America 1. If it is through cable, the reference is to 1 and 2.

We hope you enjoy the program.

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

Art and Culture as Therapy travels to USA

The research project, Art and Culture as Therapy against Alzheimers, has been invited to participate in the Multimodal Approaches to Learning conference co-organized by Art Beyond Sight and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The conference will be held October 26th -28th, 2012 at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.  Our session will focus on Artists Tools and Process and Multi-sensory Learning.

For further information and progam:
Conference program

The 2012 conference goal is to define a framework for engaging diverse audiences through multimodal experiences, and to identify new trends and innovation in learning and museum practice. Sessions will address inclusive and multisensory learning environments and strategies, particularly in relation to the arts and museums. Discussions will focus on experiences that involve touch, sound, smell, movement, drama, and modes of learning.

Since its inception, this conference has been a forum for cross-disciplinary creative thinking and the exchange of ideas. The aim is to continue to foster dialogue between diverse disciplines, such as neuroscience, cognitive psychology, education, museum studies, disability and cultural studies, technology, architecture, product design, and media art.

Furthermore, on the 25th of October, Halldóra Arnardóttir, will give a presentation on the project to the guides at MoMA , in order to exchange knowledge and experiences around the Museum projects.  

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Art and Culture as Therapy in the Spanish National Radio-RNE

Last Thursday, 19th of January, Halldóra Arnardóttir was interviewed in the Spanish National Radio in the program, "Continum", about the project, "Art and Culture as Therapy". The conversation appears at the end of the program, minute 38.
The link is attached below:

RNE Continum